Now people are at home more than ever, and with the surge in online shopping and shipping you’ll want to make sure your clients get their products in pristine condition. You’ll also want to make sure that your package clearly says who you are, what you do, and what you value. Saying these things doesn’t necessarily mean spelling it out for people in words, but rather the way it is packaged communicates what your values as a company are. Fortunately Rutan Poly has developed our own strategies for coming up with the perfect customized specialty bags for your product.
Compost and Mulch Bags – With all the time at home currently, a lot of people are engaging in more yardwork than ever before. Mulch and compost can get heavy quickly, and with our customized bags that are highly-resistant to tears and punctures your clients can be sure the mulch will end up only where it needs to go and not in a mess all over the yard.
FDA Approved Bags – The Food and Drug Administration set forth very strict guidelines when it comes to plastic bags coming in contact with a consumable product. Rutan Poly stays up to date on all the FDA guidelines and ensures your product won’t be tainted by sub-standard, low purity plastic bags.
Vented Poly Bags – These bags are perfect for produce as well as any other product you need to make sure can be fit to the brim without losing space to random air pockets. Food, apparel, and even hardware are all industries that can benefit from using vented poly bags for packaging.
Pin Hole Bags – Similar to vented poly bags, these bags with small holes are perfect for keeping contaminates out while allowing the right amount of air into the bag for your product. The main function of these bags is breathability, and Rutan Poly can work with you to come up with the perfect pin hole bag adhering to your needed dimensions for delivering a fresh product right to your clients doorstep.
Staple Pack – Staple pack bags are used in all kinds of industries. Using a cardboard header with a perforated lip, products can be packaged one right after the next with ease. This reduces hassle and saves time in managing long lines (especially in grocery style stores). These bags meet FDA and USDA guidelines and can be customized to the size your company needs.
Mailer Bags – Specialty poly bags designed for mailing ensure that your package is getting to its destination free of contaminates and damage. These bags are designed to withstand the potential harsh conditions of travel and can even be customized to be reused as return bags.
While this list is not an all-inclusive list of the specialty bags that are available, you can see how Rutan Poly takes customizing bags seriously to make sure each and every one of our partners gets a bag that is right for their industry. We’ve been creating customized polyethylene bags for over 50 years and look forward to working with you to take your packaging needs to the next level.