Have you ever wondered why bags of grapes in the produce aisle have holes in them? You might think it’s a convenient way to wash your grapes, but more importantly it allows oxygen in and lets moisture out. This type of bag is known as a vented poly bag. With punctured holes in the bag, it keeps grapes fresh and ready for that first crisp bite. These bags aren’t just for produce though; vented bags are used for numerous applications across many industries.

Using vented poly bags allows air to escape the bag during packaging. This eliminates the need for punched holes and ensures that the finished package is tight and free of bulging trapped air pockets. At Rutan, we have worked hard to perfect vented packaging to bring you a quality product that won’t quit before the job is done.
Since the beginning of our company more than 50 years ago, we made a commitment to put our customers first. We bring this same commitment into each bag we make, and every interaction we have with our customers.
If you are looking for a reliable American manufacturer of high-quality vented poly bags, look no further than Rutan. We aim to provide quality products and excellent service in order to make you a customer for life. Give us a call today, we are happy to answer any questions!